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xinhui 04-06-2013 02:52 PM

What breed hamsters are these?
Last night i was going home, when i saw 2 hamsters in a tiny tupperware container(the type you get when you buy food home) only big enough for them to lie down in.
So i took them home and had them in my old hamster tank..(my hamster recently died of old age so.. )
And i was wondering exactly what they are. They are kind of light brownish with a little 5mm-1cm tail.. Looks kinda like mice to me. The tail is furry too. Their body is about 3-4 inchs long?

xinhui 04-06-2013 02:54 PM

And i know photos will help but its a little impossible right now. They're vicious. They bite me when im just trying to feed them :( my old syrian(RIP)was an epitome of perfect tame hamster. It never once bit me :(

robolove 07-13-2013 09:55 AM

They sound like dwarf hamsters. Could be Winter White or Campbell's as both are very similar. I've attached a photo of my winter white dwarf hamster, do they look like her?

FudgieHeng 09-07-2013 07:16 PM

I agree syrians are indeed more tame.

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Francis 12-02-2013 08:39 PM

Yea I think dwarf hamsters are more bitey. But that said, some are really nice. If they weight about 40-60 grams as adults, they are dwarfs. You can weight them on a small kitchen scale.

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